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Abdominal Fat write for us

What principal foods exacerbate belly fat?

According to studies, eating processed foods with artificial additives and junk food is the main contributor to obesity and having a large amount of belly fat. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle, heavy drinking, smoking, and diets high in sugar and Omega 6 fatty acids are equally likely to contribute to high levels of belly fat.

What contributes to ladies’ lower belly fat?

Because of hormones, genetics, and ageing, females tend to deposit fat in the lower belly, which can be challenging to lose in some situations. However, regardless of sex or gender, everyone should adopt the same fundamental strategy to lose weight.

What is a reliable sign of belly fat?

The waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio, often known as the waist-to-hip ratio, are the two methods used most frequently to assess abdominal obesity. With varying cut-points for men and women, some organisations have established cut-points for abdominal obesity centred on one or both of these dimensions (see table).

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waist circumference

internal organs

subcutaneous fat

skeletal muscle

intramuscular fat



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